Simply put, an extended warranty is an additional coverage plan that you can sign up for when you’re buying or financing your used vehicle. The extended warranty grants drivers with additional coverage for when the factory warranty has expired. Plans do vary, but with extended warranties you can even include roadside assistance and towing coverage. The extended warranty is really great for drivers who think they’re willing to drive the same vehicle for an extended period, granting them an additional safety net once their factory warranty is over.
Whether you’re getting a new or used car, you can be offered an extended warranty. However, extended warranties work a little different when it comes to used vehicles because of their varying conditions. With used vehicles, your extended warranty may have different coverage periods and restrictions from one vehicle to the next thanks to the reliability and condition that the car is in. So, when you go to get a used vehicle, it’s always good to have it inspected and estimate any possible issues. Then, you can decide whether or not you believe the extended warranty is worth your money. Again, it’s also worth it to consider how long you plan on driving the car in terms of years.
Like we said above, it really comes down to your budget and lifestyle whether or not an extended warranty is worth it. If you don’t mind paying a little more on a warranty so that you don’t have to worry about a costly repair down the line, then the extended warranty can ease your concern. However, if you don’t have the cash to spend on an extended warranty, it’s not something you necessarily need to break the bank for. Speak more with our financial advisors if you’re still unsure whether or not you should get an extended warranty.
Still uncertain if you should get an extended warranty with your car? Let Kareem Auto Sales Inc help! You can contact us to get further information, or even calculate your monthly payments online and value a trade-in without leaving your house. Check out our entire used inventory, including our Nissan inventory, and then come to our Sacramento dealership. We look forward to seeing you!
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